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Parish-Gillett House

By November 19, 2021January 5th, 2022No Comments

Parish-Gillett House, Branford, Connecticut:

Originally built in 1734, this house has been altered with Queen Anne-style elements. It was erected for Ephraim Parish, Jr. and was known as the Old Parish Tavern around 1760. In 1811, the building was renovated by Rev. Timothy Gillett, who resided there until his death in 1866. Gillett was pastor of the First Church of Branford for 59 years and was a founder of Branford Academy in 1820. Today the building contains offices and a residential apartment.

Visit the Branford Historical Society Website

Weston Ulbrich

Weston Ulbrich

Born and raised in Connecticut, I am a proud Nutmegger. I believe that "Life is for Service" and my enthusiasm for helping others shapes my work as a Realtor. Let's create a win-win relationship. Call or text 203.605.6086.