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Moses Beach House

By October 27, 2021February 15th, 2024No Comments

Moses Beach, Wallingford, Connecticut:

A luxurious home once stood proudly over 83 North Main Street. Constructed in 1850 and designed by architect Henry Austin, this large, symmetrical Italianate villa included a columned veranda with thick candelabras, chamfered windows and vegetal decoration on the belvedere. The home was built for Moses Yale Beach and his wife Nancy Day Beach, the sister of Benjamin Day, founder of the New York Sun. Originally a failed inventor, Moses Beach worked with his brother-in-law at the New York Sun, the first penny press newspaper in America. Then he became sole owner and de facto founder of the Associated Press. Beach was a descendant of Elihu Yale, an early benefactor of Yale University.

When Moses Beach retired, he left the newspaper business to his sons and returned to Wallingford. He lived at this Italianate mansion until his death in 1868 at 68 years old. Around 1920, the home became known as St. George’s Inn and was operated by The Choate School until 1958 to accommodate parents and visitors. The house was partially demolished and renovated in the 1960s. The property has served as a bank branch for many decades up until recently, it was bought by the Gouveua family in 2021. Plans have been announced to convert the property for mixed use, including apartments.

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Weston Ulbrich

Weston Ulbrich

Born and raised in Connecticut, I am a proud Nutmegger. I believe that "Life is for Service" and my enthusiasm for helping others shapes my work as a Realtor. Let's create a win-win relationship. Call or text 203.605.6086.