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Historical MarkersSprague

Connecticut’s Blue Town Signs: Sprague

By May 22, 2021July 18th, 2024No Comments

Sprague, Connecticut:

“This area on the Shetucket River was part of the land deeded in 1659 by Uncas, the Mohegan Indian sachem, to form the town of Norwich. In 1786 it became parts of Franklin and Lisbon. Settlements were made at Hanover, established as an ecclesiastical society in 1761, at Elderkins Bridge (Lord’s Bridge) and at Lovett’s Bridge (Eagleville). In 1856 Governor William Sprague of Rhode Island purchased land and flowage rights on the river, laying the foundation of a large cotton mill which, completed after his death, became the center of a new town. In May, 1861 Hanover, Baltic, formerly Lord’s Bridge, and Eagleville, now Versailles, were incorporated to form the town of Sprague.

Erected by the Town of Sprague
and the Connecticut Historical Commission

CT Blue Town Sign 8 of 169.


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Weston Ulbrich

Weston Ulbrich

Born and raised in Connecticut, I am a proud Nutmegger. I believe that "Life is for Service" and my enthusiasm for helping others shapes my work as a Realtor. Let's create a win-win relationship. Call or text 203.605.6086.

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